Electrical Audit

The System Safety issue, essentially assume the same significance as far as electrical installation audit is concerned

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We are an electronic engineering company specializing in Repair and Reverse Engineering of Electronic Products

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Our unit has dedicated team of engineers that appreciates the project requirements and clients’ demands.

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Fire & Plumbing

Plumbing is any system that conveys fluids for a wide range of applications. Plumbing uses pipes, valves, plumbing

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Civil Works

Our wide range of services includes commercial building Repair & Maintenance and civil construction works

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Our handymen are certified and highly experienced professionals.

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Having a hard time with your toilet in the middle of the night? Call us!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Periodic maintenance also falls under the general class of repairs?

These are inspections, adjustments, cleaning, or replacements that should be done regularly to ensure proper functioning of all the systems in a house, and to avoid costly emergencies. Examples include annual testing and adjustment of alarm systems, central heating or cooling systems.

Other repairs may have some urgency, such as a broken?

Broken doors, latches or windows, or a leaky roof or water tank, and this factor can certainly justify calling for professional help. A home handyman may become adept at dealing with such immediate repairs, to avoid further damage or loss, until a professional can be summoned.

Perhaps the most perplexing repairs facing a home-owner?

In today’s era of built-in obsolescence for many products, it is often more convenient to replace something rather than attempt to repair it. A repairman is faced with the tasks of accurately identifying the problem, then finding the materials, supplies, tools and skills necessary to sufficiently effect the repair. Some things, such as broken windows.

Repairs often mean simple replacement of worn?

Renewed by a home-owner, such as burnt out light bulbs, worn out batteries, or overfilled vacuum cleaner bags. Another class of home repairs relates to restoring something to a useful condition.

One emergency repair that may be necessary in this area is overflowing toilets. Most of them have a shut-off valve on a pipe beneath or behind them so that the water supply can be turned off while repairs are made, either by removing a clog or repairing a broken mechanism.

Often the costs of larger repairs will justify the investment?

In full-scale improvements. It may make just as much sense to upgrade a home system (with an improved one) as to repair it or incur ever-more-frequent and expensive maintenance for an inefficient, obsolete or dying system. For a DIY project, it is also useful to establish limits on how much time and money you’re willing to invest before deciding a repair (or list of repairs) is overwhelming and discouraging, and less likely to ever be completed.

Home repair involves the diagnosis and resolution in a home?

Is related to home maintenance to avoid such problems. Many types of repairs are “do it yourself” (DIY) projects, while others may be so complicated, time-consuming or risky as to suggest the assistance of a qualified handyman, property manager, contractor/builder, or other professionals. Repair is not necessarily the same as home improvement, although many improvements can result from repairs or maintenance.